Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 26 Casey's parents do not think she is innocent!

In a surprising new development, CNN is reporting the parents of Casey Anthony say they do not believe she is innocent.

Also, I noticed Casey paid more attention to her hairstyle today by twisting s few strands into her bun and it looked like she had some makeup on.Also Mama Glenda does check out this chick's clothing AND this is the first time I have seen that pink shirt and sweater set.
Orlando attorney Mark Lippman issued the following statement regarding the Anderson Cooper Show on June 22, 2011.

This is to clarify the reporting done by Mr. Tuckman. First Mr. Tuckman was not given an exclusive interview. Mr. Tuckman approached Mark Lippman as he was leaving the Courthouse today and Mr. Lippman spoke with Mr. Tuckman for approximately four minutes. During this conversation Mr. Lippman was attempting to clarify that Mr. Tuckman had allowed other reports that he provided to various news agencies to become embellished . After this was identified to Mr. Tuckman, Mr. Lippman allowed Mr. Tuckman to make speculations regarding the Anthony family and a further conversation ensued. All of the statements given to Mr. Tuckman were not reported on the Anderson Cooper Show. While Mr. Lippman understands that Mr. Tuckman is a reporter, Mr. Lippman holds Mr. Tuckman to the standard that any and all statements should not be taken either out of context or misrepresent the idea that a breach of attorney client privilege was given specifically to him at any time or in any context. This statement will clear any misunderstanding that either Mr. Tuckman had or Mr. Lippman had with regard to the conversation.
As you all know now on behalf of the Anthony Family, Lippman Law Offices, P.A. have done one of three things:
1. Issued a statement.
2. Done an interview either via television or radio.
3. Specifically stated that a reporter can quote Mr. Lippman.
Unfortunately these three things did not happen to today with regard to Mr. Tuckman. Therefore let Mr. Lippman will clarify statements made today. The Anthony family maintains that they simply want justice in this case. The Anthony family maintains they do NOT under any circumstance support any theory that the defense has put forward regarding George Anthony’s actions. The Anthony family maintains that while they want both the State and Defense to do their jobs respectively, they do not under any circumstance wish to see that the State achieves the ultimate sanction that the State of Florida is looking for, which is the death penalty. The Anthony family maintains they want the truth about what has happened to their Grand Daughter. Finally Lippman Law Offices does not and will not condone the idea that attorney-client privilege was ever breached and any misunderstanding as to statements made should not be considered that the Anthony Family wants anything other than the things identified here.
 If they were going to do everything they can to save her life and keep from the death penalty, they sure did today when Cindy Anthony LIED on the STAND!!!!!

Trial started today at 9:00 with what else but a sidebar requested by the defense. This after Judge Perry asked that all lawyers be available in the courtroom at 8:30 so as not to delay the trial any further.

 Susan Mears:CSI

Baez asks if she collected the Disney bag and Gatorade bottle (she did). Baez moves the items into evidence.

Stephen Shaw:Recall Expert in trace evidence hair and fiber

Shaw was shown photos of ante-mortem hairs (from living people) used during his study. Says they are accurate photos.  SIDEBAR!
In a study, Shaw said he had 600 hairs collected from 15 individuals. One goal was to see if he could find a "Postmortem rootband" Hairs were submerged in water to see if they would show signs of postmortem banding.  Shaw IDs hairs in photo. First one was initially incorrectly ID'd as PMRB by one of the 2 analysts who took test in his study. The examiners were tested on 200 different hairs. They incorrectly ID'd 1 hair each (different hairs) as PMRB.
Cross Examination
Shaw says there were roots missing from the hair mass most likely from insects.  Shaw's study says there weren't any changes in hairs kept in trunk in the dark. The study put a hair in trunk for 7 months!  During questioning of witness Casey looked very sternly at Ashton.
The defense has argued root banding is not a reliable source.  Shaw thinks it is already well established because of experienced Examiners.

Dr. Barry Logan:Forensic Toxicologist 
Has tested tissues, fluid and breath. Is familiar with cryo-trapping, the process of concentrating samples for analysis.  He is also the National director of forensic services for NMS Labs. He was accepted as an expert,but cannot mention anything having to do with chemistry.  Vicotry for Ashton! Logan has reviewed notes from the testing down by Dr. Vass and Wise at Oak Ridge National Lab.  Dr. Logan says there's no evidence any precautions were taken to ensure there wasn't contamination when testing at Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab.  Ashton has objected to nearly every question asked.  Logan says meats and dairy and plants can show myristic acid. Defense: These 4 fatty acids that could be found in food, where were they found in this case? BL: On a paper towel.
Cross Examination:
Ashton Your testimony that all these fatty acids are found in combination in vegetable material? BL: Yes, in oily vegs. Ashton: But also present in decomposing animal fat, aren't they? BL: Yes. 
 Defense: Based on all you reviewed, can you reproduce exactly this experiment? BL: No. DCS: Why? BL: Because detail missing. Would be no way to know if way I did it was same as way Oak Ridge did it.
Ashton:Couldn't do this test if you wanted, could you, lab isn't capable of doing it? BL: We could do it. At this point Ashton took contaiers of air samples and lightly "slammed" them down in fron tof witness and asked "If you'd been asked to test those, you could've?" OBJECTION/SIDEBAR JURY LEAVES COURTROOM
*personal note, today whenever Prosecution has been questioning witnesses Casey just stares him down. She seems pretty pissed that he is actually a lawyer that knows what he is doing!*

Sims wants to remove items (evidence) from witness stand. Ashton will pull them out again with less dramatics. Sims just removed evidence.  Judge tells defense to tread lightly... "because, altho you didn't open the door {to shifting burden pf proof}, looks like you were trying to crack it open," and Mr. Ashton would drive Mack truck through it"

Jennifer Welch: CSI -recalled many times
Baez:Over 300 items collected from scene? JW: Yes. Baez: Any socks/shoes belonging to Caylee? JW:No socks/shoes she can recall. Baez:Consistent with Caylee having on no socks/shoes when she died? Objection. Sustained.

Cindy Anthony
Cindy says she did searches for chloroform; started looking for chlorophyll related to her dog.  She says that prompted her to look up chloroform. Cindy said she did that in March 2008, b/c she also looked up something about a scare of hand sanitizer & children. She claims she also looked up injury searches.She's even saying she took time off from work then but that her work records might not show that.  Stain on car was already there when it was bought!  There was also an impression of a cylinder gas can on carpet of trunk, that she noticed in July.

Cross Examination
Prosecution asks if she was home March 17, 2008 between 1:43 and 1:55pm? Cindy says it's possible.Even though work records say differently. *Linda Drane Burdick is extremely annoyed!*
LDB:You didn't tell LE you made those searches, did you? CA: I did, and I told you during depo. LDB: You told me searched chlorophyll. LDB: Did you type into google search "how to make chloroform?"CA I don't recall typing that in. LDB Recall denying search for self-defense, household weapons? CA: Yes. Neck-breaking?
 Really? A pop up for YOUTUBE!? AND I don't remember what popped up when I made searches 3 years ago! Remember this was a random day, Caylee wasn't missing!!!!
Also, she searched rubbing alcohol? A nurse doesn't know the effect of alcohol on children!????!!!!

Hey Cindy 8 seconds from PHOTOBUCKET to CHLOROFORM!?
Recalls pop-up about skateboarder video on Youtube! Says she also looked up inhalation, acetone, other things. LDB: Is that because your meds had been changed? LDB: When you turn computer on, which profile do you use? CA: We leave it on all the time; just sit down and use it.  LDB: Did you do 84 searches for chloroform effects? CA:Didn't do 84 searches for anything, but don't know what my computer does.  Said she visited "all the time"  LDB says "You knew these co outer searches were a big deal didn't you?" Says she told LDB in a deposition she did the searches. She was told to show where the satin in the car was. She pointed to an area where no stain was visible.
JB: Password protection was on work computer? Yes. No password protect at home? No. Says she told law enforcement and prosecutors about the chloroform and chlorophyll searches.

 *All sympathy for this woman is gone! This testimony was full of lies!! She even was looking at Casey  
For everyone who thinks she will about knowing that Caylee was dead and yet partying and telling people she was close and alive on the jail house videos.

Sandra Osborne: OCSO Computer Forensic Examiner-Recall
Osborne identified deleted Internet files from Anthony computer and turned them over.  First to obtain Anthony PC. Ran keyword search for chloroform. JB: After search hits for chloroform, what did you do? SO:ID'd as deleted internet search file and turned over to supervisor.  Baez tries to get SO to say NetAnalysis program is in competition with Bradley's CacheBack program.  JB asks if she prepared spreadsheet he shows her. Says she believes her supervisor prepared it. JB asks her about spreadsheet and says that her report says she did report, Stenger really did.She's already explained this to him. JB: But you reviewed this, didnt you? SO: No, sir, I did not work on this document. 

Cross Examination:
LDB: HP computer had password? SO: A user profile did, yes.  

JB: Wouldn't have to enter p/w, would you? Not if not turned off/hibernate mode.

Kevin Stenger: Computer Forensic Examiner
 Tells Baez report is accurate -Net Analysis report KS: myspace was visited 84 times per Net Analysis report. JB asks if that's even in CacheBack report. It wasn't.  Stenger and Bradley (he created the software) said they battled with daylight savings time when doing report JB: Are you aware of the reason why Mr. Bradley was asked to testify. Objection. Sustained  Baez then says "No cash back on Cache Back" SUSTAINED!

Cross Examination
LDB asks about extra tabs opened while on webpage - it doesn't show how long visited and what was done correct? Stenger says correct

Jury done for the day
State says next two witnesses have no direct info on case. Ashton wants to know what they are going to testify to. Mason says it's weird to give State a preview of questioning. Judge Perry wants to hear their testimony.

Nicholas Savage: Lead FBI Agent Crimes against children coordinator
Mason asks if Savage was in a meeting where where prosecutor talked about duct tape theory. Ashton objected saying it was work product. Sustained. Savage says he asked for photos from Medical Examiners office (skull and duct tape) because wanted to see if exists.

 Erin Martin: FBI
Martin is reading an email between Karen Lowe. She didn't send pictures to Savage because it was just case notes. Martin says (in email) she didn't know why Medical Examiner's office didn't tape pictures of skull and duct tape to scale...

Ashton says this is all hearsay. Mason says Ashton is trying to create a theory w/ duct tape- murder weapon.Ashton says the defense is now attacking prosecution. There were emails sent out about width and exact measurements of duct tape- Mason says he's not attacking Ashton.  Perry runs down charges against Casey.  Now onto Martin... Mason points back to that superimposition of that video - Caylee pic turns into skull after duct tape over nose/mouth He says Savage's testimony isn't relevant as well as Martin's.  Jury will not hear from Nick Savage and Erin Martin.

After writing all of this down, I'm still shocked at what has happened with Cindy LYING on the STAND!!!!

Now on to the Anthony's Attorney's statement:
-Cindy testified as truthfully as she did when she testified to the State of Florida. The reason why her memory is better is because her medication has been changed and it has clarified her memory.
-Lippman denies saying the Anthony's think their daughter Casey is guilty.
-Lippman said he didn't know he was on record when making statements to a reporter.
-Lippman says the Anthony's think Casey is innocent and they are here because they want justice.

FULL OF _________!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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