Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yuri Melich's testimony

The following is a PDF transcript of Casey Anthony's first interview with Detective Yuri Melich or (Dick Tracy Orlando, as Baez referred him as before cross examining him) when he arrived at her home. The interview was conducted in a spare bedroom in the Anthony residence.  This evidence was introduced today to the jury during Melich's testimony.

Listening to this,  one's first reaction is "Wow! She really must believe all of this!"  The only thing that seems not to be a lie, is her and Caylee's names and personal information. Other than that yup, all lies!

Now, Dick Tracy Orlando? What did Baez mean by that? Well, it turns out that Melich did have a blog called What would Yuri Melich do? In this blog he did write about his experience in law enforcement.Prosecution froze. Apparently all their investigation never brought this up.

Baez: Have you ever gone by another names other than Yuri Melich?
Perry: Sustained
Baez: Have you ever gone by the name: Dick Tracy Orlando?
Perry: SUSTAINED! Next Question.
Baez: Judge I would like to approach the bench.
Perry: No Sir.
Baez: I would like to explain the relevancy.
Perry: Okay, you can approach.

Jury was then dismissed.

The following is what is reported on

"Melich started blogging when other bloggers started complimenting him. He told bloggers he was sleuthing the web secretly looking for clues in the case. But after he saw a lot of flattering stuff about himself, he posted on as Dick Tracy Orlando to thank bloggers for their kind words.
One blogger on claimed to be the president of the "WWYMD" fan club, meaning "What Would Yuri Melich Do?" One blogger was floored over how awesome Melich's work was after watching the interview Melich did with Casey Anthony's mother a couple of weeks after Casey's arrest.Bloggers also asked about Melich's leg after seeing him on TV with a crutch. On September 20, he posted as "Dick Tracy Orlando" about how he had broken it in three places during training. He thanked them for their concern, writing, "Thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront. We are all working for her."Melich signed off with, "Please continue to keep the Anthony family in your prayers."

He did get reprimanded for writing these blogs.  But it is out there.

WOW!!!!! Will this work in impeaching Yuri Melich?

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