Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Man shoves ribs down pants for second time

Not the actual ribs, but similar
A central Pennsylvania man has been charged for a second time with trying to steal a rack of ribs by shoving them down his pants.
Carlisle police say that 65 year old Donald Noone tried to hide $20.00 worth of ribs in his pants on Sunday.  This is the second time he has attempted to steal ribs from a supermarket. The first attempt occurred May 22. That time he pleaded guilty to theft and public drunkeness.  Being as this is the second time he has attempted theft, he will be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor.This incident also marks the sixth public drunkenness citation for Noone in less than five months.

Not Donald Noone

Donald Noone

Los Puentes de Madison

Valoración 9/10 

¿Qué sucedería si un día descubrieses que los pilares de tu vida se sostenían sobre falsos cimientos? Esto es lo que creen las hijas de Francesca cuando, tras su muerte, descubren su diario secreto.
Corre el año 1965. Francesca es un ama de casa italiana que emigró a Estados Unidos tras casarse con un soldado americano.Hoy es madre de familia, amante esposa y dedicada madre en una granja en Iowa. Mientras su esposo e hijos viajan a una feria en otro estado, ella conoce a un hombre, un fotógrafo del National Geographic, y acaban enamorándose. Durante cuatro días viven un amor intenso y al final de ellos se separan ¿Fin de la historia? No lo creo. Creo que ahí empieza otra que no llega a contarse porque es demasiado cotidiana, demasiado sencilla, como lo es el verdadero amor.

Francesca no buscaba una aventura, nunca había imaginado que un día se entregaría a otro hombre y menos aún a un desconocido. Simplemente miraba por la ventana y veía su pasado, veía su presente y presentía su futuro. Hubiese podido arrancar las hojas del calendario y lo único que habría cambiado sería el clima al otro lado del cristal. No estaba triste, no lo creo. Resignada, más bien. Pero... nunca habéis mirado a través de la ventana y pensado ¿Es que no hay nada más? Es duro madurar, duro el día a día, duro descubrir que te has llenado de obligaciones y responsabilidades que atan cada hora de tu día y te niegan la individualidad, el ser sólo una mujer, tú misma, ni madre, ni hija, ni esposa, ni amiga, ni nada que no seas tú. Es duro descubrir que tus sueños eran sólo eso, sueños, que jamás se harán realidad. Y más triste aún el no poder compartirlos. Francesca vive esperando... nada, dice ella, pero no es verdad.

Siempre esperamos esa chispa que nos arranque de la cotidianidad, que nos de la aventura, la emoción con la que soñamos a través de películas, libros, canciones... cada uno la busca donde puede, pero pocas veces la encontramos. Ella lo hizo.

Se llamaba Robert Kincaid. Era un hombre maduro, un espíritu libre, un desarraigado que se movía de un lado a otro sin lazos ni ataduras. Puede que
fuese eso lo que Francesca amó en él. "Los viejos sueños eran buenos sueños. No se realizaron pero me alegro de haberlos tenido" Puede que Robert fuese uno de esos sueños que llegó a destiempo. Él supo ver la belleza de esa mujer cuyo piel comenzaba a marchitarse y supo que el amor aparecía de repente, en un pueblo cualquiera, un día cualquiera, sin anunciarse y sin grandes manifestaciones... un paseo, unas fotos, unas horas de conversación, el calor, una cena casera, una copa de vino y una mujer que no sabe seducir y no sabe que seduce tal y como es.

El amor con letras mayúsculas, esa gran pasión que Francesca no pensaba ya que existiese, llegó tarde. Al menos para ella. Disfrutaron de su amor cuatro
días,"-No se si voy a poder hacerlo/ -¿El qué? -Intentar concentrar toda mi vida entre hoy y el viernes" sólo unas horas para tenerse, con fecha de caducidad. Y lo más doloroso? En ningún momento dejó de querer a su esposo. No con pasión, no con esa fiereza y esa desesperación que te hace desear fundirte con tu amado para que no pueda dejarte cuando se vaya, pero le amaba, a pesar de todo. Supongo que hay muchas formas de amar y muchos tipos de amor. Cuando Kincaid le pide que se vaya con él, duda, sueña, sufre... y renuncia.

Esto es lo que sus hijas descubren, indignadas, cuando ya su madre no puede explicarles la verdad: Su madre tuvo un amante. Pero ellas leen, ellas recuerdan el amor de su madre a lo largo de sus vidas, los pequeños gestos, el cariño desmedido y gratuito que toda madre regala porque le sobra a manos llenas... y comprenden. Francesca renunció a su amor por amor. Sus hijos, el hombre bueno que le dio un hogar y una familia, acabaron pesando más en la balanza. Su amor fue tan desinteresado e incondicional que no pensó en sí misma. Durante años, durante muchos años, esos cuatro días calentaron su corazón en las largas noches al lado de un hombre que no era el que ella deseaba. Y le amó y le cuidó a pesar de todo. Hubiese podido irse, abandonar a su esposo y a sus hijos, pero siempre habría mirado hacia atrás, ella era así. No creo que fuese infeliz. Tuvo una buena vida y conoció el amor. Cuando ya no lo creía posible, vivió una gran pasión que, como una estrella fugaz, brilló intensa y brevemente y trajo el deseo en su estela. Opino que eso ya es mucho.
 - Draselth - 

Are you ready to meet Lady Luck!?

That is the theme for this years Halloween Horror Nights 21 in Orlando, Fl. Every year people flock to Universal Studios in Orlando, Fl from all over the world to experience the most Awesome Halloween Event EVER!
Guests go from scare zone to scare zone anxiously looking to enter one haunted house after another that the theme park sets up for the event.
They have different themes every year. This year the theme is Lady Luck!

This year's attractions are :
Haunted Houses
Nightingales: Blood Prey
The In-Between
The Forsaken
Nevermore: The Madness of Poe
H.R. Bloodengutz presents: Holidays of Horror
Saws n' Steam: Into the Machine
The Thing
Winter's Night: The Haunting of Hawthorne Cemetery

Scare Zones
Acid Assault
Canyon of Dark Souls
Grown Evil
Your Luck Has Run Out

Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure
Death Drums

Revenge of the Mummy
The Simpsons Ride
Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket
Men in Black Alien Attack

As the website states:
Enter if you dare into the lair of the lucky.  Your choices will determine if you make it out alive.  Witness Lucks deadly wrath. Will she choose you to be her next victim?

So will you be brave enough to try your luck against lady luck?

P.S. Don't forget to like me on Facebook!/pages/Anything-about-Everything/156722501071355

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hot Sauce mom get probation

 A mom who fed her son hot sauce to get on the "Dr. Phil" show received three years of probation and must continue to attend counseling.
Jessica Beagley shocked viewers on the popular talk show last November when a tape showed her force-feeding her son hot sauce and putting him into a cold shower for misbehaving at school. She was charged with misdemeanor child abuse and prosecutors said that she did it only to meet the talk-show host. A jury found her guilty earlier this month.On Monday, Judge David Wallace gave her a suspended sentence of 180 days in jail and a suspended $2,500 fine, the Anchorage Daily News reported."You're not a danger to the public," the judge told her, according to the newspaper. "I think you committed a one-time act to get on a TV show."

Prosecutors painted Beagley as a fame-hungry mom who unnecessarily punished her adopted Russian son to get on the show. The video, which was filmed by her daughter, was aired on a Nov. 17 segment called "Mommy Confessions."
On Monday, Beagley pleaded to the court to spare her jail time for the bad parenting.
"My most important job in this life is of being a mother," Beagley said, according to the paper.
"I would ask that the court would allow me to be that. To be that mother that I would like to be, to not disrupt the lives of my children any more than has been already."
Beagley faced up to a year in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Prosecutors asked for a sentence of 30 days in jail with another 330 days suspended and a $3,000 fine with $1,500 suspended.

Son denied water for wetting his bed dies

A 10-year-old Texas boy, Jonathon James died in July because his father and step-mother deprived him of water for 5 days during a 100+ heat wave.  Authorities have now released details of the death.

Michael Ray James and Tina Alberson dealt out this tortuous "punishment" to their son because, apparently, he had wet the bed some time in the weeks prior. In addition to this, they also forced him to stand in an un-air-conditioned room with his twin brother, Joseph -- by the window so the sun would beat down on them. According to Joseph, the day Jonathan died, he had peanut butter stuck in his throat, but their parents "still wouldn't let him have water" to wash it down. Joseph, who was extremely close with his brother, stood there and watched his twin die because he was scared the same thing would happen to him if he tried to help.

The boy's grandmother said that his twin brother had wanted to help, but was afraid he would be punished too. 'I did tell him, “I don't want you to feel guilty because there's nothing you could do.” And he says, “I wish I had snuck him some water”,' Sue Shotwell said.
When rescuers picked Jonathan up after he collapsed, he was laying in a bath tub. Alberson told authorities that he was sick. She told police that he had been trying to cool him off and that he had been feeling sick for a number of days.  But they knew she was lying and called investigators while they were trying to revive him. 
Alberson and James have since been jailed in a Dallas prison, charged with injury to a child. Shotwell said she is now concerned for the twin, because he watched his brother collapse and has been having nightmares reliving the moment he died.The boys had been spending the summer with their biological father because of a custody arrangement.

They had been reluctant to go.
If convicted, James and Alberson could face up to 99 years in prison.  Who knows what will wind up happening to the parents of poor, little Jonathan. I can only hope and pray that neither one of them sees the light of day for a long, long time -- if ever again. And although I'm glad they're both sitting in jail (hopefully, without water), I'm not so sure that's the proper place for them. Seems like they're more suited to be strapped down somewhere in a mental ward. Because only the sickest of people are capable of doing something like this.
Kids wet their beds and yes sometimes it's frustrating, but if you wouldn't even leave a dog without water for 5 days why would you do it to a human being that is part of you!?  These people are sick and hopefully they get what they deserve!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Plankton? No! Raw Sewage!

Want to know what raw sewage in a hurricane tastes like? Just ask Fox reporter Tucker Barnes from Washington D.C.!
While reporting on Hurricane Irene, a foamy, soapy like substance was covering Barnes as he held onto a bench.
"I don't know what it is, it has a sort of sandy consistency," Barnes told Fox's New York viewers, covered head to tow in what looked like frothy pancake batter.
"It doesn't taste great," he said.
In the studio, anchors were stating how they have never seen anything like the substance.
"Our chief meterologist back at the station said that it's some sort of organic matter. I guess it's plankton or something mixed in with sand and salt,"Barnes said.
He did mention that it did not have the nicest smells.
"Be careful with that weird stuff, okay?" the anchors warned the poor reporter. "That is a bizarre wild substance that is about to bury you."
Fox NY later announced exactly what the substance was. Apparently when raw sewage gets mixed and tossed into ocean water by hurricane winds it forms what one reporter thought to be plankton.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Something you don't see everyday

Grand Central Terminal In NYC Empty due to Hurricane Irene's presence

Surfers die due to Irene

A surfer has died off the central Florida coast when he was tossed off his board by massive waves caused by Hurricane Irene.Volusia County Beach Patrol spokeswoman Tamra Marris said the 55-year-old man was pronounced dead about noon Saturday, shortly after he was pulled from the water at New Smyrna Beach.She said the surfer suffered a large head cut after witnesses said he was thrown over a wave and possibly hit the ocean floor.She said it is unclear if he drowned or died from injuries.
His name has not been released because his relatives have not been notified.  Lifeguards were reporting waves of up to 7 feet in that area and 10 feet in others.
According to reports on the Weather Channel, a surfer in Virginia Beach was killed by a monster wave as well. 
This is what happens when people don't take these monsters seriously. So do I have to feel bad for them? Maybe, But I don't!  You want someone to blame, don't blame Irene, blame the surfers!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pediatrician sentenced to lifetime in jail!

A pediatrician in Delaware accused of molesting more than 100 of his patients was sentenced Friday to serve his lifetime in prison.
Earl Bradley,was given the maximum sentence of 14 life terms, plus 164 years in prison without the possibility of parole.
He originally had faced 529 counts of rape, sexual exploitation of a child, unlawful sexual contact and other charges. In June, he was found guilty of 24 counts.
The charges include first-degree rape, forcing girls to perform oral sex on him and filming dozens of children engaging in sex acts.
The doctor decorated his office with Disney characters and miniature amusement park rides.
Police officers and detectives, but no victims, testified in June at a bench trial, which is held before a judge without a jury. Bradley's attorneys did not call any witnesses, nor did they make closing arguments.
According to the indictment, the abuse occurred between 1998 and 2009. All but one of the 103 victims were girls, some as young as 2 years old. Police arrested Bradley in December 2009. He recorded the abuse on video, said prosecutors, who presented the judge with more than 13 hours of footage showing sex crimes against more than 80 victims, mostly toddlers.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Judge sets date for competency hearing for Arizona mom

A judge has scheduled a final competency hearing for the jailed mother of an Arizona boy missing since December 26, 2009.
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Paul McMurdie today set a Sept. 16 competency hearing for 25-year-old Elizabeth Johnson and ordered her to attend.
Johnson has refused to go to many hearings in her case.
The Arizona Republic says McMurdie denied motions that would have removed the county Attorney's Office from the case and allowed Johnson to be released on house arrest with a monitor.
Johnson is charged with kidnapping, child abuse, conspiracy to commit custodial interference and custodial interference. She's been jailed without bond since January 2010.
Johnson's 8-month-old son Gabriel was last seen with her in San Antonio, Texas. Authorities don't know whether the boy is alive.
 The mother of "Baby Gabriel," Elizabeth Johnson, put him in a car and drove him to Texas over a year ago, but her stories as to what happened to him once they got to San Antonio are all over the map. But Elizabeth Johnson also told CBS affiliate KPHO, in a phone interview, that she gave Gabriel to a couple she didn't know at a San Antonio park, and that she only said she killed the boy to get back at McQueary.

"It pisses me off to see her," said Logan McQueary, Gabriel's father who saw her for the first time in May of this year.  "I've thought about it that way that I may never see him again and we may never know what happened to him and I don't know what I would do. I still have to think about that fact that I don't know if I'll ever give him a funeral or if he's out there. I didn't even get to celebrate his first birthday with him," said McQueary.
Elizabeth Johnson, admits to killing the child in a phone call to the baby's father.
In the phone conversation, recorded by McQueary when Johnson was on the run with Gabriel in Texas last December, she tells her former beau that "you destroyed my made me kill my baby boy."

Below is the rest of the conversation:
"Where are you and where is Gabriel?" asks McQueary.
"Gabriel is in a Dumpster," Johnson responds.
"No, he's not," said McQueary.
"You want to talk to girls, that's the price you pay," said Johnson.

Cops believe this was taken the last day he was seen. Notice how drowsy he looks while holding the medicine bottle.

At the time, Johnson and McQueary had broken up because McQueary was reportedly flirting with other women via-Facebook.

The conversation continues:

"I killed him this morning," claimed Johnson.
"No, you didn't," said McQueary.

Johnson responded with, "I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't do it alone. You made it impossible for me to have my own life. You made it impossible for me to have Gabriel. You were going to take the only thing I had left. You wanted to take from me. You wanted to make me miserable. So find some new girl to make your new baby."

"Don't you care about me? All you care about is Gabriel. And he's gone now. You know what I'm capable of and you pushed me anyway. You destroyed my life," said Johnson.

"I haven't destroyed anything," said McQueary.
"Yes, you have, Logan. You made me kill my baby boy," said Johnson.
"You made me do this," Johnson tells McQueary.
"You did not hurt Gabriel," said McQueary.
"Yes, I did. I suffocated him. I suffocated him and he turned blue. I put him in a diaper bag and put him in a trash can," said Johnson.

Listen Below:

Susan Powell: Sex with father-in-law?!

Two years after a Utah mother vanished, her case has spiraled into a salacious saga of finger-pointing and accusations of sex and lies between two sparring families, one claiming she ran off with another man, the other just praying she's still alive.
Susan Cox Powell was reported missing in December 2009.
Police say her husband, Josh Powell, is the only person of interest in the case, although he's never been charged.
Josh Powell's family now claims Susan was sexually promiscuous, emotionally unstable and suicidal. Her father-in-law says he and the missing woman interacted in "sexual ways," and that they were in love.
Her father, Chuck Cox, denies the allegations.
The rumors follow a renewed effort in the case and a recent search by authorities for evidence in the Nevada mountains.

Some Florida News of the day!

Car Pushes man into pool
Orlando police said a man was killed Thursday afternoon while he was working on his vehicle, and the car slipped into gear.The man's identity has not been released.Police said the man was working on his car at his home on Jamie Circle about 2:20 p.m., when the vehicle slipped into gear.
Somehow, the man, the car and another vehicle ended up in a nearby swimming pool.
Homicide detectives and other police units are investigating.

 Man Kills Self
Apopka police are investigating a shooting at Shoot Straight on South Orange Blossom Trail this afternoon.The victim is reported to have shot himself.

Bees attack
Paramedics responded this afternoon to reports of between 50 and 60 bee stings at a Cocoa Beach private school.The incident was reported about 12:50 p.m. at Church of Our Savior Catholic School on North Atlantic Avenue.About 50 children suffered bee stings in the courtyard. The insects then followed the students into the school. Cape Canaveral Hospital was preparing for a possible 50 patients, but rescuers reported that only a few of the children were likely to be hospitalized.
Bee experts were dispatched to the scene.

Casey starts probation

Casey reported Wednesday evening to Florida authorities to begin serving a one-year probation on an unrelated check fraud conviction, officials said.
She came in, but the Florida Department of Corrections offered no more details including where she is. A news conference was scheduled for this morning.

Corrections spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger had earlier said the agency will not disclose where Anthony will report to probation, as a safety precaution.
A Florida appeals court on Tuesday denied a request that would have stopped her from being forced to start the probation by the end of the week.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Christina's Legacy

I myself will be donating a painting done by me for the silent donation. Please help us raise money for The Lesbian Community Care Project that Christina dedicated her life to. This member of the Cardinal Spellman Class of 2000 thanks you all for your support.

All proceeds will go towards LCCP (Lesbian Community Care Project) and assist both Christina’s and her partner, Alisha’s families’ expenses.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Casey must get off her ass and find a job!

The Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled that Casey must serve probation for check fraud.
She has until noon Friday to report to a probation office in the state.  According to Baez, she's already in Florida.  Where? My guess? Pinellas County!
The court ruled "that sentencing is not a game and Casey Anthony cannot take advantage of a clerical error. In a two-page ruling, it says she and her lawyers knew her probation was to start after her release. The court ruled she never served probation, so it’s not double jeopardy.
The defense team however has worked out a deal where she will report for probation secretly. She will not have to walk into a place where everybody will know her. Her address will not be publicized. So we likely will not know where she is living right now or where will be living in the future while she does serve this probation.
The court decided that a judge’s oral pronouncements take precedence over written orders.

Mom throws 7 month old baby boy

A 31-year-old La Habra woman was in custody today on suspicion of throwing her 7-month-old son from a parking structure at Children's Hospital Orange County, leaving him critically injured.
The baby was listed in very critical condition after being thrown from the second, third or possibly the fourth floor of the structure at 455 S. Main St. around 6:20 p.m. Monday, Orange police Sgt. Dan Adams said.
"We don't think this was an accident," Adams said.
The break in the case came after the husband of Sonia Hermosillo contacted La Habra police about his missing wife and son. La Habra police then called the Orange police about the report, Adams said.
The license plate of a tan 2000 Chevy Blazer was captured on video surveillance tape at the parking structure, Adams reported. Detectives determined that Hermosillo had been driving a vehicle that matched the one seen in the surveillance footage.
At 10:15 p.m. Monday, Hermosillo's vehicle was seen by an Orange police officer being driven past Children's Hospital. Officer stopped the Blazer and detained Hermosillo. An empty child seat was found in the vehicle, Adams said.
Hermosillo was brought to the Orange Police Department for questioning. She was then arrested and booked into Orange County jail on suspicion of one count of attempted murder, Adams said.
Hermosillo is being charged with attempted murder. Apparently Sonia had some family issues and was using this to hurt the father of the child it later was discovered.
Bail was not immediately set.


Valoración: 5/10

Brett Simmons firma el guión y la dirección del film de terror “Husk”, una nueva y no muy innovadora aportación al ya subgénero fundamentado en “una cuadrilla perdida en mitad de ninguna parte masacrada miembro a miembro”.

En esta ocasión, cinco amigos se hallan de viaje de fin de semana y el ataque de unas aves contra su vehículo los sacará de la carretera junto a un frondoso campo de maíz.
En su búsqueda de ayuda pronto se verán perdidos entre el laberíntico follaje de los interminables campos, descubrirán una misteriosa casa en el centro del maizal… y lo más importante, que no están solos. Unos tétricos espantapájaros cobran vida y están más que dispuestos a robársela a cada uno de los protagonistas para engrosar sus filas.

El reparto de jóvenes actores se compone de Devon Graye, Wes Chatham, C.J. Thomason, Tammin Sursok, y Ben Easter, quienes, pese a no regalar ninguna interpretación memorable ni que vaya a lanzar sus carreras, cumplen su función con un mínimo de credibilidad. El guión, aunque rocambolesco, mantiene el interés del espectador y la factura técnica general, aunque sencilla, es aceptable.

En conclusión, es “Husk” un producto de terror de segunda fila, un slasher con aderezo sobrenatural para pasar el rato que si bien no nos regala una porción de buen cine, sí de entretenimiento y evasión. Pasable.


Monday, August 22, 2011


Aislada en esta blanca habitación acolchada
Rígida camisa de fuerza.
No moriré ahí dentro
Sálvamae sonriente Jesús,
Baja de la cruz.

No me preocupa ser odiada y estar perdida
con la luz apagada.
No me digas que te estás restableciendo
con esas estúpidas sesiones freudianas.

Humildemente agacho la cabeza
Hay ratas por todas partes
Alimentándome de pan y agua
no moriré encerrada.

Dirán que tome las píldoras,
Placebos para el cerebro.
Dirán que finjo mi enfermedad.
Dirán que se está alargando demasiado
este estúpido juego.

No me interesa lo que te hayan diagnosticado
No me importa luchar contra el mundo
lleno de psicópatas mendigando
otro litro de sangre, otro gramo de conocimiento
inconsciente que les calme.

No moriré ahí dentro, no adormeceré mis pensamientos,
no alimentaré sus egos.


Casey's back...Dun Dun DUNNNNNNN!!!

While Casey waits to find out if she will have to report back to Orange County for probation, Baez confirmed on national television that she is back in Florida.
Baez told Fox News talk show Geraldo Rivera in an interview taped Sunday night that Casey is back in Florida and ready to report.
“She is back in Florida. We brought her back in the event the appellate court rules sometime this week. And we're going to follow the letter of the law,” he said.
But he is still hoping she won't have to report to probation and parole.He thinks Judge Perry's ruling is unfair as she supposedly already went through probation while waiting for her trial to begin.
Casey has been ordered to report to a probation office by Friday for her check fraud conviction, but her attorneys are fighting to get that order stopped.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Girl raped both physically and mentally

The first time she was raped, school officials told her she was lying. They even demanded she write and hand-deliver an apology letter to her attacker.  Twisting the knife a little deeper,  the school expelled her for the rest of the year. The devastating sequence of events that followed suggests that school officials may actually have wanted the girl to have been attacked, or punished for speaking-out, once more  She was raped by the same boy in the library the following year. 
According to the Springfield News-Leader, the 7th grade special education student at Republic Middle School in Springfield, MO reported her rape in the spring of 2009. School officials refused to believe her, and after suffering through "multiple intimidating interrogations," she recanted the claim.  What's more, a school psychologist's report said the girl "would forego her own needs and wishes to satisfy the request of others around so that she can be accepted." In other words, the already victimized twelve-year-old might have taken back her statement after school officials demonized her for being raped.
When she returned to school the following year, the school refused her mother's request for extra monitoring and did not separate her from her rapist who, thanks to the apology letter, knew she had told. If the school wanted the girl to be victimized a third time, they got their wish. In February 2010, the lawsuit says her attacker "was able to hunt [her] down, drag her to the back of the school library, and again forcibly rape her." 

This time, she and her mother reported the rape to the police, and a rape kit tested positive for her attacker's semen. School officials were notified of the incident and allegedly doubted the girl's claim, saying they'd "already been through this," according to the lawsuit. The attacker plead guilty to charges in juvenile court. 
The school's next move made it clear that it was not lack of evidence fueling officials' accusation that she was lying, but a deep-seeded hatred for women: Incredibly, the twelve-year-old rape victim was suspended for for "Disrespectful Conduct" and "Public Display of Affection" - two absolutely disgusting ways to categorize rape. The school had victimized the girl a fourth time, slut-shaming a rape victim for an attack that happened on school property, and one her mother sought to prevent by requesting their separation.
Her lawsuit requests damages for medical expenses, emotional distress, and attorneys' fees, in addition to "punitive damages to deter School Officials and others from similar conduct in the future."
But the school district denied every one of the girl's allegations, as well as responsibility for the attack,  the same way they denied her rape.
The school district denies all of the family's claims, saying that if anything happened it was the "result of the negligence, carelessness, or conduct of third parties over whom the District Defendants had neither control nor the right to control."

A U.S. District Court judge has granted a request that certain records filed in the Republic Middle School rape lawsuit be kept confidential.  "This order applies to interrogatory answers and documents produced by the Plaintiff and/or Defendants in this action containing or comprising personnel records, student records, medical records, and other information regarding the District's current or former students, employees and former employees, and confidential Board of Education records. ("Confidential Information")," wrote Ortrie Smith, senior Judge of the United States District Court. "This Order also applies to any records received by the parties from the Missouri Division of Youth Services, Children's Division, or juvenile or other law enforcement authorities. Additionally, this Order applies to any deposition reference related to Confidential Information."

The school's website reads the following in regards to the lawsuit:
The Republic R-III School District has received questions regarding a lawsuit that was filed against the district in June of 2011. The district cannot discuss confidential student matters and does not comment on pending litigation. However, the district can provide general information regarding its policies and procedures as it relates to student situations.
The district has policies that strictly prohibit and provide specific consequences for the misconduct that is described in the lawsuit. It also provides training for the entire school population about the requirements of the policies and how to prevent, and properly respond to complaints of, misconduct. The district responds immediately to reports of student misconduct and reports abuse or neglect to law enforcement officials, the Children’s Division, and any other appropriate agency. It also works cooperatively with law enforcement, social services agencies, and other appropriate agencies to investigate and make correct decisions regarding every report of misconduct. Additionally, the district provides consequences for students who engage in misconduct. It also provides additional consequences as permitted by law if criminal or juvenile charges are filed.
Finally, with respect to the specific lawsuit, it is important to remember that the allegations in a lawsuit are just that – allegations. The district has filed an answer denying the allegations. The parties will exchange information and conduct discovery regarding the allegations as required by federal procedure. It is during that process that the school district will be able to provide complete and accurate information in response to the specific allegations. However, out of respect for the privacy of students and families, that response will not occur in the media.
In the meantime, we want the Republic School Community – students, staff, parents, and patrons – to know that our schools are safe. Nothing is more important than the welfare of our students. We will continue to do everything required by law, policy, and good common sense to prevent misconduct and to respond appropriately and immediately to misconduct if it occurs. We look forward to the 2011-2012 school year and are confident that together we can create an excellent educational experience for all of our children. 


Friday, August 19, 2011

Evan (II)



A nuestro alrededor el tiempo se vuelve silencio, no existe nada para mí excepto el desbocado latido de su corazón, y mi codicioso anhelo por tenerla desnuda bajo mi cuerpo, rendida a mi embrujo mientras acoge con frenesí cada una de mis embestidas…

Una palabra martillea insistente en mi cerebro diluyendo bruscamente tan encendida visión... DEBER…
Abro los ojos al tiempo que me separo lentamente de la cárcel de sus labios...
- Será mejor que te lleve al hospital... Marissa te necesita -Ella asiente, con la mirada añorada y la energía de nuestros besos crepitando todavía en el aire...-

Conduzco en silencio avenida abajo hacia el St. Francis, el ceño fruncido y la frustración de mi condena desgarrándome por dentro...

Aparco en la entrada de urgencias y sin siquiera atreverme a mirarla le susurro un “nunca te olvidaré”... Noto su dubitativa mirada clavada en mí... murmura un “gracias por todo” al salir y, renunciando a la idea de permitir que su mente me recuerde mañana, borro todo rastro de mi en su memoria... antes que acabe un -¿volveré a verte?- Arranco a toda prisa alejándome del lugar.. Dejándola meneando la cabeza sin conseguir entender cómo ha llegado allí... La veo desaparecer turbada a por su amiga...

Mis brazos se tensan aferrando el volante hasta enrojecer mis nudillos, la ira corre por mis venas como lava encendiéndome, provocándome, atormentándome... voy a despedazar a ese jodido chupasangre.. Sus alaridos se oirán de aquí al infierno, suplicará su muerte desesperado y no se la voy a dar... no hasta que el recuerdo de Jane haya desaparecido...

Llego a la granja en 15 min., todo un record teniendo en cuenta que está a 45... Pero a alguien que no puede morir, que le importa tener un puto accidente... dios sabe que ya lo he intentado...

Jane, Jane, Jane... ¿pero qué coño me pasa? Mañana seguiré aquí y ella vivirá su vida humana sin saber siquiera que existo...

Cierro de un portazo dirigiéndome furibundo al sótano... encadenado y amordazado, sus ojos sin vida me miran alarmados...
-no tendré piedad de ti- le gruño mientras me acerco lentamente...

Me abandono a mis sentidos permitiendo que por una vez la bestia que hay en mí tome el control, con la macabra esperanza que su dolor mitigue el mío y que quizás mañana me sienta mejor sabiendo que otro de estos monstruos ha desaparecido del mapa... ni siquiera quiero sacarle información.. Tan solo matarlo y, poder así arrancar de mí el recuerdo de sus ojos esmeralda y el dulce sabor de su boca grabado en mi corazón.

Obviamente no es así... Grita como un cerdo cuando las tenazas aprisionan sus colmillos...
 – te gustó su sabor??Te gustó?? -Su boca se llena de sangre... – un lechal aguanta mas estoico que tu, engendro!- Le escupo despectivo.

Le desato... pero aunque pudiera defenderse, el final ya está escrito esta noche... una lucha desigual que acaba con mi bota estrellándose contra su cráneo y su torturado cuerpo golpeando el suelo... Lo miro unos instantes antes de clavarle una daga en el corazón... no soy mejor que él... se consume en un estallido de luz al tiempo que se consume también mi ira... aun sin hallar la paz que esperaba recuperar con su muerte..

Se intuye el púrpura naciendo en el horizonte y un hormigueo recorre mi cuerpo a modo de advertencia.... suspiro... sigo siendo un esclavo... perpetuo siervo de la oscuridad... Si como en las leyendas pudiera ofrecerle mi vida al sol, moriría ahora mismo exponiéndome a él... pero estoy maldito hasta para eso...

Un escalofrió recorre mi cuerpo al recordar el indescriptible dolor de los rayos sobre mi piel, quemándome por dentro como ácido… Una hora soporté la tortura, hasta que la cruda realidad me hizo retroceder hacia las sombras. El sol no puede matarme…un puto vampiro estalla en 10 segundos… pero yo no puedo morir... debería alegrarme?.. Qué ironía…
Me largo del mugriento sitio añorando mi cama...con la mente exhausta y el nombre de Jane escapándose de mis labios en un murmullo.

- “Jane…” -me tiro en la cama sin siquiera desvestirme...-  El sueño me lleva...

- Sikeray - 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Stage collapse in Belgium!

At least three concertgoers were killed and many more injured when a stage at the open-air Pukkelpop Festival in Belgium collapsed Thursday during a set by Chicago band Smith Westerns.

A heavy storm hit just as the band began playing. The band was able to get off stage before the collapse and was unhurt, according to frontman Cullen Omori's Twitter feed.

Later in the day, he said in a statement that the band had finished its first song when the stage began shaking. They assumed it was "a storm passing through… We were about to play the next one when out tour manager yelled at me to run off the stage. Right then (a metal bar that holds up the tent) collapsed 1 foot in front of" guitarist Max Kakacek.
"Amid the chaos it was hard to tell exactly what had happened," the statement continued, "but after the rescue teams started coming in it became clear that there were severe injuries and we are now being told there are reports of multiple deaths. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones in today's tragedy."
More festival-goers were injured, when a brief burst of high winds and heavy rain flattened tents, uprooted trees, pulled the roof off a stage and brought down giant screens, officials said.
Hugo Simons, Hasselt's head of emergency medical planning, told VRT radio that 11 had been severely injured and 60 had sustained light injuries as a result of the storm.Video from the site showed stage equipment dangling in high winds as rain-soaked concertgoers at the music festival ran for cover. Trees and branches all around the area were downed, evidence of the sudden ferocity of the winds.
Reported attendance for the three-day sold-out event, which started Thursday in Hasselt, about 50 miles east of Brussels, was estimated at 60,000. It was the second major stage collapse at a pop concert in the past week; five people (including Christina Santiago) were killed last Saturday when a stage at the Indiana State Fair collapsed just before a concert from the
country band Sugarland.
The three-day Pukkelpop festival was set to have featured rapper Eminem and bands Foo Fighters and The Offspring.The festival was suspended and organizers were meeting to decide whether to proceed Friday and Saturday as planned.

Pontiac Sunfire CRUSHED!

Casey Anthony’s white Pontiac Sunfire was crushed at a central Florida junkyard Thursday.  This was the car that everybody swore smelled of death. The jury didn't think was important. (Just saying)

The Anthony's lawer, Mark Lippman brought the car to the junk yard, turned the title over and it was crushed for scrap metal.

The workers were instructed not to sell any part of the Sunfire and as the car sat in the wrecker, you could still see the evidence tape on the trunk.

Wake held for Christina Santiago

The wake for an awesome person, Christina Santiago was held Thursday in The Bronx. Several classmates and members of Cardinal Spellman HS in The Bronx attended. Unfortunately, I live in Florida now and was unable to attend. I did send thoughts and prayers their way. It's so sad to be going through this and it still hasn't completely settled in.

Alot of our classmates are still expressing their shock and disbelief over her death. Many of them are preparing themselves for funeral services tomorrow and wondering how they will get through it.
In a statement, her family says they are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.

Five people were killed last Saturday when a gust of wind toppled the stage before the band Sugarland was to perform.

Christina's longtime partner Alisha Brennon was injured in the collapse and remains hospitalized.

Her funeral will be held at St. Raymond's cemetery in The Bronx.

RIP Christina 4/9/1982-8/13/2011

Baez under investigation

It appears Jose Baez is in trouble with the Florida Bar Association for his handling of the Casey Anthony bad-check case. 
When Perry ordered Casey to Florida to serve her 1-year probation sentence on bad-check charges, as we all know by now, Baez and his team stated she had already served her sentence while in jail during her murder trial.  The problem with that says Orange County is that the court was never notified and they wanted her to serve the sentence AFTER the murder trial.
When Judge Belvin Perry issued an order mandating Anthony return from wherever to start her probation he also cited her attorney’s: “The failure to abide by that order and the failure to notify the court of a known scrivener’s error in the order may be a violation of an attorney’s duty of candor.”
“No attorney should conduct himself or herself in a way that impedes an order of the court,” Perry said. “Our system of justice should never be in the position of rewarding someone who willfully hides the ball.”
An unidentified person or person filed a complaint on Baez handling of the Anthony case and the Florida bar is now conducting an ‘open’ investigation.  The State of Florida has given Casey until next week August 26 to show up to serve the probation sentence.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Casey's Defense Appeals! Shocked? No Way!

Casey's defense team filed an emergency petition today with an appeals court, asking the judges to vacate Judge Perry’s recent order that will require her to report to probation by next week.
Perry ruled last week that Anthony has until Aug. 26 to turn herself in to the Florida Department of Corrections, which will monitor her for one year while she serves probation.
Defense attorneys Lisabeth Fryer and Cheney Mason in their emergency filing called that an “illegal sentence.”

There was confusion last month, when Casey was acquitted on the murder charge and released from jail, about whether she would have to serve the probation.
DOC allowed Casey to serve the probation while in jail, but that was not Strickland intended. Obviously, that wouldn't make sense right? Well, DOC thought it did at the time. Well you know what I think of them: Idiots!
The defense team argues Casey shouldn’t have to serve probation twice.
In their emergency petition, the defense team said Perry’s order “ignores the fact that the Defendant did, in fact, actually serve her term of probation and was subject to the threat of violation of probation if she, for instances, wrote a letter of apology to the victim had a physical altercation with a correctional officer or another inmate, or was in the possession of contraband.”
The defense said Casey was subject to DOC  supervision “and the anxiety associated with a probationary period.”  Oh poor baby! Cry me a river!!  She's an idiot too!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

George and Cindy: BACK ON TV!

George and Cindy Anthony will appear on the season premier of the Dr. Phil Show Sept. 12.

In a release, the show said: “Cindy and George have suffered a horrific loss with the untimely death of their granddaughter Caylee, and they have since endured an unprecedented public attack on their family,” says Dr. Phil. “Have these attacks been warranted, or not? I looked them straight in the eye and asked some very tough questions. Despite living under a ‘media microscope’ for years, THEIR story has never really been told and there’s so much more to it than we’ve heard in the media. Throughout this extensive interview, we explore every detail of their ordeal, and they answer every question I know will be on our viewers' minds. Nothing is off limits during this interview."

Cindy Anthony said, “We knew that we’d want to speak at some point, and we figured there was no better place than with Dr. Phil. We are hoping that by doing this interview, we will be able to help other people who may be experiencing struggles of their own. We certainly don’t want anyone to experience what we have these last three years.” George Anthony continues, “We appreciate the way in which Dr. Phil has helped others, and we trust him enough to completely open our hearts in telling our story. He is a professional that understands the uniqueness of our family situation. There’s no one better to do this interview than Dr. Phil. We knew he would ask the difficult questions, and we were right.”

The Anthonys sought no compensation for their interview, asking only that a donation be made to a charitable organization currently being formed to honor their granddaughter. The couple will derive no income from “Caylee’s Fund,” which will be federally sanctioned intending to focus on promoting processes to educate the public about - and advocate for - grandparents’ rights, as well as missing and abused children by maximizing the use of public interactivity to increase efficiency and knowledge.

Words help us get through it

Some of us are still trying to comprehend what happened to Christina. Sometimes in times of sadness it's best to turn to literature.  This is a nice way of thinking about when our loved ones pass. 

All Is Well 
 Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped into the next room I am I and you are you Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, Speak to me in the easy way which you always used Put no difference in your tone, Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household world that it always was, Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It it the same as it ever was, there is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, Just around the corner. All is well.  

Henry Scott Holland

Canon of St Paul 's Cathedral